Mitsutoshi Kubota is the current president of SHAFT Animation Studio and the animation producer for the Magia Record: Puella Madoka Magica Side Story TV series. Mr. Kubota has served as the producer for numerous hit shows including Nisekoi, the Monogatari Series, and the Kizumonogatari film trilogy.
Magia Record Special Event! Explore the world of Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story, the new mobile game based on the popular magical girl franchise, Puella Magi Madoka Magica! Join Aniplex of America and special guests Aoi Yuki (Voice of Madoka Kaname) and Mitsutoshi Kubota (President of SHAFT, Animation Producer) for the US premiere of the TV anime based on this new Magical Girl story! Saturday at 12 Noon in Room 1E09!