Uncanny Megan

From a young age, Megan has been drawn to the wonderfully weird world of gaming, cartoons, anime, comics, and – of course – cosplay. She started in 2008 and after some basic training and casually making cosplays she quickly found her passion – in one year alone creating 32 new costumes. She’s used her skills in crafting and sewing to not only make an average of 20 costumes per year for herself but also create commissions for others.

Her dedication and love for her creations shows in her attention to detail and drive to always learn and help others.

She brings all of this and more to the conventions she attends across the US and internationally with panels and a keen eye for judging cosplay contests. When she’s not busy creating or helping others get into the hobby of cosplay, she dives back into her love of watching cartoons, playing games, reading comics, and hanging out with her weenie dog, Sadie.

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